Submitted by: Rita Borges

There is no doubt that Paris lives up to its name of being the city of lights. Its dazzling architecture and monuments look like tiny jewels from afar, when they are all lit up on a clear evening. A vacation is Paris is not all about visiting the key landmarks that are done to death by most tourists, but to discover another side of Paris, which could be very different from the luxurious Paris apartments that one hears about all the time. Moreover, one could always choose to stay in a luxury Paris apartment in the 15th arrondissement or one of the classier areas of Paris, and go on to discover an alternative side to Paris. Paris however has a darker side to it.

The History of the Catacombs of Paris

Apart from being one of the few places on earth to find the greatest concentration of Gothic architecture, it is also known for the underground mass cemetery, the Catacombs of Paris. A good way to start that dark journey is at the Catacombs. The Catacombs did not spring all of a sudden and its history is quite intriguing, if not creepy. Back in the Middle Ages, rich and the famous could always afford a strip of grave in one of the eminent churchyards.


However, with thousands of years of history, and one can only imagine how many people could be buried in the wombs of Paris. In the 18th century, the graveyards of Paris were so full that even the rich couldn’t find a place to rest their loved ones. Saints Innocents Cemetery was one of the most popular places to bury the dead, and the yard quickly began to overflow with dead bodies. The clergy continued to let the rich bury their dead in the churchyard as it was a rich source of income. Nevertheless, the overflowing of dead bodies became unmanageable and resulted in unhygienic and unsanitary conditions.

For this reason alone, a section of underground tunnels was chosen to exhume the dead and bury them in the labyrinthine corridors of what could be the most gothic place on earth. The Catacombs of Paris is just a part of les carri res de Paris (quarries), and workers began the macabre task of transporting all the dead bodies from Parisian graveyards to the Catacombs.

A Gothic Destination

Today, an estimated 6 million people lie buried in these winding tunnels and some of the bones are thousands of years old. These caves or underground tunnels frequently collapse, which means venturing into them could be a fatal adventure for the black-hearted tourists. The Catacombs draw a number of gothic tourists who visit Paris not just for teh fashion, culture and luxury products, but for its darker and more gothic side, which is pretty evident in these winding tunnels. The Catacombs are open to visitors and was briefly shut closed to the public in 2009, following incidents of vandalism.

The Catacombs in Popular Culture

The attraction of the Catacombs of Paris is not limited to the gothic tourist alone. It inspired Victor Hugo to learn more about the tunnel system of Paris, which he vividly described in Les Miserables. During the World War II, the French Resistance members used the tunnel system to trick the Germans. Ironically, the Germans too built an underground bunker just below Lycee Montaigne located in the 6th arrondissements.

One of the best ways to experience the Catacombs before arriving in Paris is to watch the 2007 movie Catacombs, which stars singer Pink and Shannyn Sossamon. While much of the movie is too melodramatic, the Catacombs are truly creepy and in fact it is easy to get lost in them, just like the protagonist loses herself in the movie.

About the Author: Paris Luxe is a New York City based boutique rental service specializing in upscale and luxury short term Parisian apartments. We are the ideal solution for those not yet ready to purchase a second home or join a luxury vacation club.


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