Submitted by: Vikram KR

People who know the phenomenon that is kiteboarding gets addicted to it very easily. And who would not seriously? What better feeling can you possibly think of than winds caressing your back, while your hair flies past you! however there are a number of things which need consideration when you think about going kiteboarding.

One major thing that every surfer or kiteboarder must keep in mind while they venture out for their respective activities in their respective women wetsuit for kiteboarding and ladies spring suit wetsuit is the place of their residence and the frequency with which they ride the waves. For example, a person residing in a warmer place like Florida would not have much requirement of a full body ladies springsuit wetsuit where most people generally opt for these only during the colder months as opposed to the slightly chillier California weather where it is mandatory to wear a women wetsuit for kiteboarding all year around to endure the chill and ensure the bodily warmth.

Once you have comprehended the temperature of the water it would be an intelligent devise to figure out whether you are coldblooded or wam blooded. Because lets face it there are going to be surfers and kiteboarders in Florida too sporting hoods and gloves despite the warm weather during their sessions. When you are buying a ladies springsuit wetsuit, four things are to be kept in mind by you. These are: the quality of the neoprene as well as the fit and thickness of the wetsuit. You also need to give a thorough check to the construction of the material. The same rule applies for when shopping for women wetsuit for kiteboarding. Since the wetsuit is stuck completely to your body while you are busy kiteboarding, the fit plays the key role. And if you are doing it in colder conditions then it needs to be 5/3rd blind stitched and glued for maximum comfort and warmth.

No matter what you do, surfing or kiteboarding, if you are doing it in colder weather then it is absolutely mandatory to wear gloves, booties and hoods. Especially booties and you must consider investing in a sturdy pair of booties along with your wetsuit.

Now if you are an avid kiteboarder, then you must take your pick from a number of varieties of wetsuit that are available. These are:

5/3 basic suit which manages to keep 90% of the water away from your body, the 5/3 insulated suit which manages to keep maximum water out during the wipeouts and the famous 5/3 windsuits which are specifically designed for kiteboarding purposes which makes sure the water glides in and out as you go up and down. This makes sure that the inside of the suit which is your body stays comparatively warmer. Also, these do function dually making excellent surf suits as well.

It is also necessary to keep a few additional pointers like how do you like your wetsuit? Do you want it to be devoid of any zippers which would mean that you have to basically get in and out of this like you would in a jumpsuit which needless to say is not the most practical or comfortable but this does offer the most resistance against entry of water and keeps you the driest. You could choose from other two options of half zipper and full zipper which provides lesser flexibility.

About the Author: Whether you are a pro surfer or kiteboarder or you are simply a novice, these tips would help you in finding your perfect

ladies spring suit wetsuit and

women wetsuit for kiteboarding .


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