byAlma Abell

No one really wants to think about the necessity of hospice care for a loved one. In most cases, the need for hospice care is suggested by medical personnel after no further treatment for the patient’s illness is recommended. The patient is often exhausted by long term medical care and being in the hospital and wants to be home once again.

This can be a difficult decision to make, since it recognizes that this is the final weeks or months of the loved one’s life. However, this is a kindness for both the patient and the family. Hospitals are sterile and cold; visiting hours are restricted. Being in familiar surroundings, in one’s own home, allows the end of one’s life to be lived with dignity and comfort.

Hospice fills in the gap by supplying necessary services to the patient that the family is unable to perform. The actual services that will be provided by Hospice Care At Home will be unique for each patient, but might include providing palliative medicine necessary for pain relief, changing dressings or providing other medical services that will improve the quality of life for the patient and family.

At the beginning of hospice care, the patient and family members will become part of a team that hours a day if needed, especially as the end of life draws near. A care plan will be put together as needs are identified. Each case will be unique. Every attempt is made to make this time easier for the family and the patient.

Hospice Care At Home is generally recommended for those whose life expectancy is six months or less. Medical care is provided for relief of pain and symptoms but not for curative purposes. The goal is to provide support necessary so that the person is able to live life to the fullest extent possible. Families also need support during this stressful time and receive this from the hospice staff.

Many families would not be able to provide home care for their loved one without hospice support and care. Counselling and spiritual support can be as important as caring for the physical body. Deciding upon hospice care can be a hard choice, but it is a sign of love to allow a loved one to spend their final days in the home that they cherish. Click Here for more details.

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